
👩‍🚒🔥ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter🔥🚒 For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha, mamefriends

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    ¥ 1,880

We will hold a discount event!!! <<<<2024-07-12 ~ 2024-07-26>>>> 2400JPY -> 1900JPY <<ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha>> >>This Components is assumed to be used in VRChat. The rules of use and descriptions of the model are described below, Please read it before you buy it. >>Components Unity Package SDK3.0 Shader: LilToon Commercial use for personal purposes is permitted, but if the subject of use becomes a corporation, please contact 割引イベントを開催いたします!!! <<<<2024-07-12 ~ 2024-07-26>>>> 2400JPY -> 1900JPY <<ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha>> >> このコンポーネントは、VRChat で使用されることを前提としています。 使用規則とモデルの説明は以下のとおりです、 買う前に一度読んでみてください。 >>コンポーネント Unity パッケージ SDK 3.0 シェーダー:LilToon 個人的な使用は許可しますが、法人の場合はご連絡お願いいたします VN3 License (EN) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BEUSSIR62D-q7KDlK7hIczadT1RMp3Q5/view?usp=sharing VN3 License (JP) https://drive.google.com/file/d/18lJwxPDNkAK6JSSytA7YO9EJCm7syiHU/view?usp=sharing VN3 License (ZH) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kS1d6kF_ORxLBK7E_r0IWBzXf121Hqtt/view?usp=sharing VN3 License (KOR) https://drive.google.com/file/d/19qFrvbTmsBqXep3aXCs6Ttf3Goo9zF_n/view?usp=sharing 개인적인 용도의 상업적인 사용(방송등)은 허용되지만, 사용 주체가 법인이 될 경우에는 제작자에게 별도로 문의하시기 바랍니다. 번역기를 사용하고 있으므로 오류가 있다면 한국어판이 우선시됩니다. 個人的な用途での商業的な使用(放送など)は許可されますが、使用主体が法人となる場合は制作者に別途お問い合わせください。 翻訳機を使っているので間違いがあれば韓国語版が優先されます。 Commercial use for personal purposes (broadcasting, etc.) is allowed, but if the subject of use becomes a corporation, please contact the producer separately. I'm using a translator, so if there's an error, the Korean version will be prioritized. ***使用時の注意事項*** 1. アバターのkisekaeファイルにModular Avatarを使って服を着せてください 2. Playable Layers(Base)を交換してください! 3. アバターの上の下着を脱がせて着せることを基準に作られた服です。 4. 指のシェイプキーを0に減らしてください。 5. トラッカー使用時トリガー Watergun -> 右手 Hand_Gun 姿勢の後 胸元に手を当ててください Watercanon -> 右手 fist 姿勢の後腰に手を当ててください 6. (pc) water gun、(pc) water canon機能をvrを着用した状態で作動させるとエラーが発生することがあります。 ご注意ください。 7.SUPER_MAME_FIREFIGHTER baseの基本standing motionがmamehinata基準なので、プロジェクト内にmamehinataがなければ基本standing motionがnoneになります。 お使いのmamefriends avatarのstanding motionを入れてください。 ***Guidelines for Use*** 1. Please use Modular Avatar to dress the avatar kisekae file 2. Replace the Playable Layers(Base)! 3. It is a dress made based on taking off the underwear on the avatar and putting it on. 4. Reduce the finger shape key to zero. 5. Trigger with Tracker Watergun -> Right hand Hand_Gun, put your hand on your chest after your posture Watercanon -> Right hand fist Place your hand on the back of your waist 6. (pc) water gun, (pc) there may be an error if you operate the water canon function with the vr on. Please be careful. The basic standing motion of SUPER_MAME_FIREFIGHTER base is based on mamehinata, so if there is no mamehinata in the project, the basic standing motion is none. Please add the standing motion of the mamefriends avatar you are using. ***사용할 때 주의사항*** 1. 아바타의 kisekae 파일에 옷을 Modular Avatar를 사용하여 입혀주세요 2. Playable Layers(Base)를 교체해주세요! 3. 아바타의 윗속옷을 벗기고 입히는걸 기준으로 만들어진 옷입니다. 4. 손가락 쉐이프키를 0으로 줄여주십시오. 5. 트래커를 사용시 트리거 Watergun -> 오른손 Hand_Gun 자세 후 가슴팍에 손을 대세요 Watercanon -> 오른손 fist 자세 후 허리춤에 손을 대세요 6. (pc) water gun, (pc) water canon 기능을 vr을 착용한 상태에서 작동시키면 오류가 있을 수 있습니다. 주의 부탁드립니다. 7. SUPER_MAME_FIREFIGHTER base의 기본 standing motion이 mamehinata 기준이기 때문에 프로젝트내에 mamehinata가 없다면 기본 standing motion이 none이 됩니다. 사용중이신 mamefriends avatar의 standing motion을 넣어주시길 바랍니다.

👩‍🚒🔥ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter🔥🚒 For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha, mamefriends
👩‍🚒🔥ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter🔥🚒 For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha, mamefriends
👩‍🚒🔥ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter🔥🚒 For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha, mamefriends
👩‍🚒🔥ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter🔥🚒 For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha, mamefriends
👩‍🚒🔥ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter🔥🚒 For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha, mamefriends
👩‍🚒🔥ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter🔥🚒 For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha, mamefriends
👩‍🚒🔥ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter🔥🚒 For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha, mamefriends
👩‍🚒🔥ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter🔥🚒 For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha, mamefriends
👩‍🚒🔥ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter🔥🚒 For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha, mamefriends
👩‍🚒🔥ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter🔥🚒 For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha, mamefriends
👩‍🚒🔥ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter🔥🚒 For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha, mamefriends
👩‍🚒🔥ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter🔥🚒 For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha, mamefriends
👩‍🚒🔥ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter🔥🚒 For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha, mamefriends
👩‍🚒🔥ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter🔥🚒 For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha, mamefriends
We will hold a discount event!!! <<<<2024-07-12 ~ 2024-07-26>>>> 2400JPY -> 1900JPY <<ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha>> >>This Components is assumed to be used in VRChat. The rules of use and descriptions of the model are described below, Please read it before you buy it. >>Components Unity Package SDK3.0 Shader: LilToon Commercial use for personal purposes is permitted, but if the subject of use becomes a corporation, please contact 割引イベントを開催いたします!!! <<<<2024-07-12 ~ 2024-07-26>>>> 2400JPY -> 1900JPY <<ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_FireFighter For Kipfel, mamehinata, clonka, Uzuruha>> >> このコンポーネントは、VRChat で使用されることを前提としています。 使用規則とモデルの説明は以下のとおりです、 買う前に一度読んでみてください。 >>コンポーネント Unity パッケージ SDK 3.0 シェーダー:LilToon 個人的な使用は許可しますが、法人の場合はご連絡お願いいたします VN3 License (EN) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BEUSSIR62D-q7KDlK7hIczadT1RMp3Q5/view?usp=sharing VN3 License (JP) https://drive.google.com/file/d/18lJwxPDNkAK6JSSytA7YO9EJCm7syiHU/view?usp=sharing VN3 License (ZH) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kS1d6kF_ORxLBK7E_r0IWBzXf121Hqtt/view?usp=sharing VN3 License (KOR) https://drive.google.com/file/d/19qFrvbTmsBqXep3aXCs6Ttf3Goo9zF_n/view?usp=sharing 개인적인 용도의 상업적인 사용(방송등)은 허용되지만, 사용 주체가 법인이 될 경우에는 제작자에게 별도로 문의하시기 바랍니다. 번역기를 사용하고 있으므로 오류가 있다면 한국어판이 우선시됩니다. 個人的な用途での商業的な使用(放送など)は許可されますが、使用主体が法人となる場合は制作者に別途お問い合わせください。 翻訳機を使っているので間違いがあれば韓国語版が優先されます。 Commercial use for personal purposes (broadcasting, etc.) is allowed, but if the subject of use becomes a corporation, please contact the producer separately. I'm using a translator, so if there's an error, the Korean version will be prioritized. ***使用時の注意事項*** 1. アバターのkisekaeファイルにModular Avatarを使って服を着せてください 2. Playable Layers(Base)を交換してください! 3. アバターの上の下着を脱がせて着せることを基準に作られた服です。 4. 指のシェイプキーを0に減らしてください。 5. トラッカー使用時トリガー Watergun -> 右手 Hand_Gun 姿勢の後 胸元に手を当ててください Watercanon -> 右手 fist 姿勢の後腰に手を当ててください 6. (pc) water gun、(pc) water canon機能をvrを着用した状態で作動させるとエラーが発生することがあります。 ご注意ください。 7.SUPER_MAME_FIREFIGHTER baseの基本standing motionがmamehinata基準なので、プロジェクト内にmamehinataがなければ基本standing motionがnoneになります。 お使いのmamefriends avatarのstanding motionを入れてください。 ***Guidelines for Use*** 1. Please use Modular Avatar to dress the avatar kisekae file 2. Replace the Playable Layers(Base)! 3. It is a dress made based on taking off the underwear on the avatar and putting it on. 4. Reduce the finger shape key to zero. 5. Trigger with Tracker Watergun -> Right hand Hand_Gun, put your hand on your chest after your posture Watercanon -> Right hand fist Place your hand on the back of your waist 6. (pc) water gun, (pc) there may be an error if you operate the water canon function with the vr on. Please be careful. The basic standing motion of SUPER_MAME_FIREFIGHTER base is based on mamehinata, so if there is no mamehinata in the project, the basic standing motion is none. Please add the standing motion of the mamefriends avatar you are using. ***사용할 때 주의사항*** 1. 아바타의 kisekae 파일에 옷을 Modular Avatar를 사용하여 입혀주세요 2. Playable Layers(Base)를 교체해주세요! 3. 아바타의 윗속옷을 벗기고 입히는걸 기준으로 만들어진 옷입니다. 4. 손가락 쉐이프키를 0으로 줄여주십시오. 5. 트래커를 사용시 트리거 Watergun -> 오른손 Hand_Gun 자세 후 가슴팍에 손을 대세요 Watercanon -> 오른손 fist 자세 후 허리춤에 손을 대세요 6. (pc) water gun, (pc) water canon 기능을 vr을 착용한 상태에서 작동시키면 오류가 있을 수 있습니다. 주의 부탁드립니다. 7. SUPER_MAME_FIREFIGHTER base의 기본 standing motion이 mamehinata 기준이기 때문에 프로젝트내에 mamehinata가 없다면 기본 standing motion이 none이 됩니다. 사용중이신 mamefriends avatar의 standing motion을 넣어주시길 바랍니다.